Mortgages Las Vegas

Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make

Buying a home for the first time can be simultaneously exciting and daunting. If you’re purchasing a new home, it’s easy to get so caught up in the excitement of buying a house that you inevitably make mistakes. Buying “too much house,” not shopping around for lenders, and searching for a home before applying for mortgages Las Vegas are just a few pitfalls first-time homeowners can encounter. Preparing yourself with a little knowledge before you start home shopping can help you avoid these issues.

Mortgages Las Vegas

The Biggest Mistakes Home Buyers and Sellers Make


If you have your heart set on a home, it can be tempting to do whatever it takes to get it. However, spending beyond their means is one of the most common mistakes that novice home buyers make. Buying a home that exceeds your budget can lead to several problems. For starters, it can increase your risk of defaulting on a loan if you encounter financial difficulties later on. Spending more on a home also leaves fewer finances available for other life expenses.

Going With the First Lender

Going with the first bank or lender available is another mistake people make when buying a home. The cost of loans in Las Vegas can vary significantly among lenders. Sometimes, the difference can save or cost you thousands of dollars! Experts say that you should talk to at least three lenders. At a minimum, you should consider lender fees, compare rates, and look at loan terms. However, other factors such as customer service are also essential considerations when selecting a lender to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Mortgages Las Vegas

Not Applying for a Mortgage

For many people, the home buying process begins by looking at homes before anything else. However, experts caution that before even looking at homes, you should apply for mortgages Las Vegas first. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage can actually help you close on a home faster when you find one that you like. Additionally, getting approved for a mortgage before you buy a home can make the difference between securing a home or losing out on a property in a competitive market.

Mortgages Las Vegas

Choosing the Home Over the Location

Some people choose a home without considering the surrounding area. However, being in a neighborhood you like is crucial, especially if you plan to live in the home for a long time. The neighborhood should have the amenities that you want, such as proximity to local schools, downtown, or natural areas. Keep in mind that you can always make minor upgrades to a home, such as renovating the bathroom or getting new appliances, but you can’t change the location.

Neglecting Credit

Many people are surprised to learn that opening a new credit card or taking out a car loan can affect their ability to secure final loan approval. Lenders often keep an eye on customers’ credit reports to ensure their financial situation has not changed. Any changes in your credit score can affect your ability to get a loan. If you’re thinking of buying a new home in the near future, hold off on getting new loans, making large purchases, or opening up a credit card for at least several months. You should also make sure to pay your bills on time and in full each month. (Read more about reverse mortgages in Las Vegas.)

Bypassing a Home Inspection

A home inspection is one of the last items to check off the list when buying a new home. However, it’s one of the most important. Before closing, you should make sure to have a professional inspect the home. A professional inspector usually notices things that most homeowners don’t. An inspector may even find problems with the home that require expensive repairs or modifications. If that happens, you’re in a better position to negotiate a lower sale price with the current owners. You may also be able to request to have the problem fixed before you move into the home.

Mortgages Las Vegas

Avoid These Home Buyers Mistakes

Buying a new home is exciting, but there are also many considerations to keep in mind. Before you start searching for a home, it’s good to consult several lenders and get pre-approved for a mortgage. Avoiding any major expenses in the months before you buy a home is also vital. Choosing a neighborhood you like and having a home inspected before closing are also important, as is spending within your means. Contact us today for help in making a wise home purchase.